/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.netbeans.modules.db.explorer.actions; import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; import org.netbeans.lib.ddl.*; import org.netbeans.lib.ddl.impl.*; import org.openide.*; import org.openide.nodes.*; import org.netbeans.lib.ddl.adaptors.*; import org.netbeans.modules.db.explorer.*; import org.netbeans.modules.db.explorer.dlg.*; import org.netbeans.modules.db.explorer.nodes.*; import org.netbeans.modules.db.explorer.infos.*; public class AddIndexAction extends DatabaseAction { public void performAction (Node[] activatedNodes) { Node node; if (activatedNodes != null && activatedNodes.length>0) node = activatedNodes[0]; else return; try { DatabaseNodeInfo info = (DatabaseNodeInfo)node.getCookie(DatabaseNodeInfo.class); IndexListNodeInfo nfo = (IndexListNodeInfo)info.getParent(nodename); String catalog = (String)nfo.get(DatabaseNode.CATALOG); String tablename = (String)nfo.get(DatabaseNode.TABLE); String columnname = (String)nfo.get(DatabaseNode.COLUMN); Connection con = nfo.getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData dmd = info.getSpecification().getMetaData(); Specification spec = (Specification)nfo.getSpecification(); String index = (String)nfo.get(DatabaseNode.INDEX); DriverSpecification drvSpec = info.getDriverSpecification(); // List columns not present in current index Vector cols = new Vector(5); drvSpec.getColumns(catalog, dmd, tablename, null); while (drvSpec.rs.next()) cols.add(drvSpec.rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); drvSpec.rs.close(); if (cols.size() == 0) throw new Exception("no usable column in place"); // Create and execute command AddIndexDialog dlg = new AddIndexDialog(cols); dlg.setIndexName(tablename+"_idx"); if (dlg.run()) { CreateIndex icmd = spec.createCommandCreateIndex(tablename); icmd.setIndexName(dlg.getIndexName()); Iterator enu = dlg.getSelectedColumns().iterator(); while (enu.hasNext()) { icmd.specifyColumn((String)enu.next()); } icmd.execute(); nfo.addIndex(dlg.getIndexName()); } } catch(Exception e) { TopManager.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Message("Unable to perform operation " + node.getName() + ", " + e.getMessage(), NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE)); } } } /* * <<Log>> * 11 Gandalf 1.10 3/3/00 Radko Najman * 10 Gandalf 1.9 2/16/00 Radko Najman driver adaptor * 9 Gandalf 1.8 11/15/99 Radko Najman MS ACCESS * 8 Gandalf 1.7 10/23/99 Ian Formanek NO SEMANTIC CHANGE - Sun * Microsystems Copyright in File Comment * 7 Gandalf 1.6 10/8/99 Radko Najman getUser() method * replaced by dmd.getUserName() * 6 Gandalf 1.5 9/13/99 Slavek Psenicka * 5 Gandalf 1.4 9/13/99 Slavek Psenicka * 4 Gandalf 1.3 9/8/99 Slavek Psenicka adaptor changes * 3 Gandalf 1.2 6/9/99 Ian Formanek ---- Package Change To * org.openide ---- * 2 Gandalf 1.1 5/21/99 Slavek Psenicka new version * 1 Gandalf 1.0 5/14/99 Slavek Psenicka * $ */